pixelbar is currently

Pixelbar needs your help! After a disaster struck last 28th of June 2023, we are asking everyone to help rebuilding the physical space for this awesome community!

Click here for the donations page

Hacky Newyear

We want to wish everyone a very hacky newyear!

This year will be all about hacking, exploring and creating new stuff! Do you want to find out more about that really old ZX Spectrum or do you really want to learn Rust, C#, NodeJS or any other programming language ? That’s what we’re about! We really support learning new things! And what better time to start hacking then with the beginning of a new year!

Do we see you around this year ? We’re looking forward to it!

CryptoParty at Worm (12/12)

Nowadays everyone is concerned about their privacy, right?

Arguing that you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say

– Edward Snowden

Well, we’d like to think so. Therefor we’re going to take matters into our own hands during this awesome CryptoParty! Learn, talk and inspire each other how to be better.

At a CryptoParty you can learn how to encrypt your emails and messages, how to browse anonymously and ask all the questions you have about privacy and security. Although talking about security is an option, a CryptoParty makes much more sense if you can install some security tools and learn how to use them, so bring a laptop or a smartphone to the event!

The event is free and open for everyone, especially for those without prior knowledge of cybersecurity. As we need to know how many people will join, we ask you to please sign up here, using any nickname you like.

At 19:00 our friend Marie will take the lead and help everyone be more secure with a group of volunteers.

This event is hosted at Worm by Hacktalk and Rotterdam Security Labs.

Happy Sint Pannekoek!

Happy Sint Pannekoek everybody! We’re celebrating this very nice tradition at the space today starting at 19:00, with lots and lots of pancakes and friends! Please let us know if you’d like to join on to our Slack or IRC.

Wait. You’ve never heard of Sint Pannekoek before? Well, it’s a very old Rotterdam tradition and we’d like to celebrate it by basically eating lots of pancakes. Yep. It’s the best tradition there is. And nobody will ever change our tradition.


PS: help baking pancakes is very welcome!

Nodeschool meets Fabcity on September 2nd

Nodeschool Rotterdam is getting bigger, better and stronger. We’re super happy to team up with Fabcity on September 2 to introduce more people to NodeJS!

We also slightly changed the format, so it’s an all new NodeSchool and therefor we’re going to do something special, namely: hardware hacking. Using JavaScript and NodeJS we’re going to start out doing some hardware challenges. It’ll be heavily inspired by Nodebots. So please join us and let’s hack something cool together!

It’s open to everyone, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any experience coding and/or with hardware. All you need to do is stop by and have a look. If you want to join the focussed session however, please signup and show up for the one at 12:00 or 15:00 and please bring a laptop.

Check out the website for more information

Announcing Electron Junction @ Pixelbar

We’re happy to announce Electron Junction. An event that is all about people that like to tinker and play around with electronics, which can be as simple as blinking a LED with an Arduino or as complicated as building autonomous robots to explore the universe. While the focus will be on hardware, software will play an important role as well.

Tickets are available via the Pixelbar Ticketshop. If you want to participate in the Arduino workshop by Mitch Altman or the SMD workshop by Klimnt you can reserve your spot and reserve the required kits of components in the shop as well. Please note, there are limited component kits.

Electron Junction is the first day-long event organized by Pixelbar Rotterdam.

Event Information

A social evening will follow on the event. Food will be available for donations and we’ll have some Club Mate and Beer. Maybe even tschunk.

Looking forward to see you in Rotterdam!

We are still looking for additional speakers and people who would like to present their projects. This can be either a talk of about 45 mins or, equally awesome, you are welcome to bring your project for a live demo during the day. Please contact the orga at orga [at] pixelbar.nl