pixelbar is currently

Buildlog new space and HackerHotel

Here we are again! Pixelbar, a hackerspace without a space. At least, for now. Since the opening where we announced the upcoming move of the physical location of the space we did a lot of work!

We had a pile of idea’s, lots of very enthousiastic participants and even more important a location within the Keilewerf where our new hackerspace would come. Since Februari we have made plans for the new hackerspace. Last week we took a major step forward, the mezzanine was finally placed. Now it’s far more visible what the size of the new Pixelbar space will be. We can tell you, we were very pleased with the result so far. Today we will be ordering the nescesarry build materials for the walls, When it arrives our awesome neighbour Sil will help us out with the construction of the walls.

The project

Since building your own hackerspace looks like a project we decided to start a wiki article on it which you can find here.

Feel free to send us advice or, even more important help us building the new space. We are nowhere without help from our participants and our friends. We try to keep the Wiki as up-to-date as possible. When we have final dates for building the construction we will also send out an email to our mailinglist which you can join here.


This was not all we have done, Five of our members also attended HackerHotel last week, A hacker conference in the Netherlands. We even had a new participant register on the event. Apart from attending lots of interesting (tech) talks we also talked a lot about Pixelbar. We wanted to make sure the name would be in everyone’s head. Needless to say, it worked! Lots of participants from other hackerspace, students and other people were really interested in Pixelbar. We were even offered extra help on building the new hackerspace!

If you want to see some of the talks which were given on Hackerhotel, please visit this link.